Address: 2 Lenina Street, Loyev, Gomel Oblast, the Republic of Belarus, 247095
Phone: +375 2347 2 04 10
The main natural resources of the Loyevsky district, which can serve as a basis for the development of export potential, include land, forest, water and mineral resources.
Land resources. Of the total area of the Loyevsky district, 107.8 thousand hectares of agricultural land occupy more than 48.5 thousand hectares (45.0%), including arable land – 26.8 thousand hectares (24.9%).
In order to involve new lands in economic turnover, work has been organized to optimize land use.
Forest resources are one of the most significant natural resources of the district. 41.9% of the district's land fund is occupied by forests (45.1 thousand hectares). The composition of forests is diverse, coniferous trees occupy a predominant position in the structure. Forest resources have relatively high productivity. The age structure of forests is favorable to meet the needs of the economy.
Water resources occupy 4.0% of the land fund of the district or 4.4 thousand hectares. The geographical location of the urban settlement is extremely successful. It rises on the high picturesque right bank of the Dnieper at the confluence with another large navigable river - the Sozh.
The main mineral resources of the district are construction sands, clay, small reserves of peat and sapropel.
Construction sands and clay are ubiquitous on the territory of the district.
For the development of the construction industry, good prerequisites are created by the presence in the district of significant reserves of clays and loams for the production of ceramic bricks, stone, blocks. This material is environmentally friendly, quite popular among construction organizations.
Taking into account the raw material base, the PUP "Loyevsky Combine of Building Materials" of JSC "Polesestroy" is developing, including the creation of new types of construction products made of clay.