Housing-municipal service

The Loyev regional housing and municipal service was founded at the end of 1945.

Telephone: (+375 2347) 2-03-40

The Loyev regional housing and municipal service is in charge of water supply networks /118,3 kilometers/, sewerage system /27,5 kilometers/, a hotel for 56 places, a laundry, a bath-house for 58 places, 3 rural bath-houses, housing stock of the total area of 55,8 thousand square meters, 24 boilers of the total capacity of 34,28 giga calories/hour.

Rendering paid services to the population surpassed the target by 10.1 per cent in the first half of 2005 /Br429,4 million including consumer services – Br35,6 million/.

The company renders the following paid services:

1. consumer services:

  • - laundry
  • - housing repair
  • - leasing
  • - funeral services
  • - auto repair and technical maintenance
  • - transport services
  • - hotel services

2. housing services:

  • - technical maintenance of state-owned apartments
  • - technical maintenance of privatized apartments
  • - major repair

3. public utilities

  • - cold water supply
  • - hot water supply
  • - heating
  • - sewerage system
  • - domestic waste removal